Cash Back is earned each time you use your H-E-B Visa Signature® Credit Card to make a purchase and the Cash Back is available after your next statement cycles.
- When shopping at H-E-B you will earn 5% cash back on eligible H-E-B brand products. The list of eligible H-E-B brand products can be found at here
- You will earn 5% cash back on Favor delivery transactions.
- All other Transactions will earn 1.5% Cash Back, including National Brand items purchased at H-E-B and all purchases made everywhere else Visa is accepted.
5% cash back on in-store register purchases of H-E-B brand products, or on using your H-E-B Visa Credit Card. Exclusions apply. See for details, including products, locations, exclusions, and limitations.
*Please note: 5% cash back is earned on the pre-tax amount of H-E-B brand purchases.